“Right Tree, Right Place, Right Time”"
This phrase refers to architects, city planners and property owners responsibility to choose the best tree species that is compatible with the site conditions. The best tree species to plant, is the one that has the greatest chance to thrive, and grow into a healthy, fully mature tree. Making this decision, involves doing some site homework. You cannot make a conscience decision without making site observations, observing the health of the tree palette on neighboring properties, performing some soils tests(anaylsis and drainage), and noting site advantages as well as disadvantages.
Notable site advantages would be a functioning irrigation system, ample soil volume on sloped surfaces, and a unobstructed photoperiod. Site disadvantages would be planting areas very close to asphalt, concrete, and compacted soil conditions. So a bit of homework and testing is a real responsibility, that must be considered when selecting the right species.
After making a list of the tree species that you prefer, and feel are good candidates for your site, you will need to study every species, collect some professional opinions, and use the site data to choose the right trees to plant on the site. When examining the different tree species, use the internet, a knowledgeable local grower, and maybe even a ‘saavy Arborist”.
If your preferred tree choices, are not favorable with your site conditions, and you really want to plant your favorite tree, then you need to think outside the box! Ask yourself, can you adjust the site conditions, or have a contractor make site alterations, in order for your species to thrive? Examples of this would be to import a specific soil blend, that your species requires. How about adding irrigation and drainage, to aid in the critical establishment period. Consider moving the tree locations, in order to provide more soil, less conflicts with hardscapes, and away from any type of traffic ontop of the root system. There are many ways to modify your site, in order to make a questionable species choice, make it on most any site.
When choosing tree species, it is so very important to be diversified. Monoculture is when sites have too many trees of same species. If a disease comes through, or even an infestation of an exotic pest, invades your site, good tree species diversification will save you from losing everything.
Always, Always, Always, buy your trees from the best growers. All nuseries provide specifications and photos, so that you can install the best available trees. Ask all the local growers if they are producing any newer cultivars, and do not be afraid to splice in a few of these trees on your project. Finally inspect your trees before planting. Check for trunk gashes, girdling roots, competing multiple leaders, foliar fungi etc. etc.
In closing, lets address the ‘Right Time” part of the phrase. Most trees gain huge advantages, if they are planted at the very end of summer, or early early spring. The cooler temps, allow newly planted trees to have a smooth establishment period. A fair share of all of our trees, will stress significantly if they are planted in the extremes(dead of winter, middle of summer).
Brian C Dunlevy
President of BCD Tree and Environmental